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Our CEO’s GrowCo Diary: The Early Bird’s Morning Routine

By June 1, 2018September 26th, 2019No Comments

With over 500 delegates attending day 2 of GrowCO, it was started the ideal way, with a breakfast presentation by co-author, Benjamin Spall, of the best-selling book “My morning routine: How successful people start every day inspired”.

Based on the authors’ interviews with 64 of today’s most successful people, My Morning Routine (2018) is a practical guide for would-be early birds. Yes, it’s easy to live in fear of your alarm clock and worship at the altar of your phone’s slumber function, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Mornings don’t need to be traumatic at all. What’s more, finding the right routine for the early hours will change your whole day for the better.

Other key lessons of the day that entrepreneurs can take away were:

  1. Learn to say “No”.
  2. Distil things down to a single vision.
  3. Build a team appreciating an emotional cost evolving a grow team into a scaling team. Founder mindset needs to evolve to CEO mindset!
  4. Celebrate progression not perfection.
  5. Persist in the journey.

Other speakers, included the US Shark Tank, Daymond John (Founder of Fubu), Instagram COO, Marne Levine,, author of “Predictable Success” and founder of Harry’s, Jeff Raider.